Ghana’s agribusiness players have renewed calls on the government to facilitate the expansion of fruit and vegetable production so they can boost exports and take full advantage of the United Kingdom vegetable market.

Felix Mawuli Kamassah, vice-president, Federation of Association of Ghanaian Exporters (FAGE), has renewed the call for increased support. Kamassah, who is also into large scale farming in Ghana’s Volta region, and is managing director of Maphlix Trust Ghana Ltd, is confident Ghanaian farmers could deal with  the shortages and indeed exceed demand if provided the needed support in terms of farm inputs, infrastructure and funding.

FAGE says it is aware that the Ghanaian government had in the past six years built several greenhouse facilities across the country. Kamassah said  it is significant for the government to engage the Federation on how to maximise the facilities and put them to better use to benefit the Ghanaian economy.


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