Zanzibar The government is completing construction of a modern warehouse for grain storage as part ofan initiative to combat poisonous mushrooms that threaten food security.

Agriculture, Irrigation, Natural Resources and Livestock Minister Shamatha Shame Khamis told the House ofCommons on Friday that poor storage is one of the causes of poisonous mushrooms.

According to the ministry’s situation analysis, mold is a serious problem on the islands, especiallyaffecting corn and peanuts.

Minister Shamatha responded to questions from Mwanakwelekwe representative Mr. Amer AbdallahAmer. Amer Abdallah Amer wanted to know the government’s strategy to curb poisonous mushroomsthat threaten the country’s food security.

A total of 1,853 farmers have already been trained on the best cultivation and storage methods to combatthe fungus, the minister said, adding that the government has procured two state-of-the-art machines forfungus testing.

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