Nestlé East and Southern Africa (ESAR) have launched the Nestlé Needs Youth (NNY) Agri Competition, in partnership with the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship South Africa. Source: zcf428526 via Source: zcf428526 via Pixabay The competition presents an opportunity for youth agripreneurs to win mentorship and coaching opportunities totalling over US$30,000 through the Branson Centre’s Ignite Investor Readiness and Go-To-Market Programme. The drive is to encourage agripreneurship amongst young people across east and southern Africa. Speaking on the competition and the partnership, Nestlé East and Southern African Region Head of Learning and Development, Desiree Zikalala, says: "Many of Africa’s economies have an agrarian foundation from community all the way to national level and through this competition, we are looking to support and encourage young people to participate in this economic sector. There are several transformative prospects in agriculture that desperately need young people to step in and lead, and we believe that the Ignite Programme placements that are up for grabs will help facilitate those opportunities. "Successful agribusiness ventures have a catalytic effect in communities as their development impact goes beyond the agripreneurs themselves to various verticals that deal directly and indirectly with the sector. We intend for the NNY Agri Competition to open further dialogue on young people in agriculture, and help build transformative networks that support agripreneurship, employment and employability." Filling the skills gap A solution to the pervasive skills gap in agriculture in Africa is capacity development, mentorship, and coaching support. This will accelerate the evolution of the sector and the achievement of better efficiencies, improved processes, and cutting-edge technologies. Young people, as drivers of innovation, on the continent are well poised to lead and leapfrog this shift. Inherent in agripreneurship are economic development, job creation and skills development for better employability, and focusing on young people centres these opportunities on them. Nwabisa Mayema, strategic partnerships director at the Branson Centre comments: "This is an important partnership to accelerate some of the top solutions to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture through youth-led innovations. We look forward to building on and supporting the top three pitches with Nestlé Needs Youth to enable their access to finance, new markets and networks through Ignite." The NNY Agri Competition The competition will award three winning entries placement in the Branson Centre’s Ignite Investor Readiness and Go-To-Market Programme. The first prize is the Ignite Investment for Scale Programme, an intensive six-month mentorship and coaching programme that will help the winning agripreneur get their business investor ready. The programme features fortnightly mentoring, and access to industry professionals and business coaches across eight critical areas in business, namely, purpose, planning, product, brand, people, processes, finance, and partnerships. The second prize is the Ignite Access to Markets Programme, a three-month programme tailored to mentor, coach and enable agripreneurs in the early stages to build a strong platform to win new partnerships and gain access to market. The programme features fortnightly mentoring, access to industry professionals and business coaches across four critical areas in business, namely, purpose, planning, product, and partnerships. The third prize is the Ignite Ideation into Action, a one-month mentoring programme with access to industry professionals and business coaches across three critical areas to help guide ideation into action, namely, purpose, planning, and product. The NNY Agri Competition is open to people of all genders aged 18–30, living in the east and southern Africa region. Entries are open from 21 June 2022 and will close on 31 July 2022. In the month of August, a shortlist of five candidates will be drawn, and these will pitch for one of the three top prizes, worth a total of US$30,000, courtesy of the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship SA. Entries are to be submitted online, on the NNY Agri Competition platform.

Violence between farmers and herders over access to water and land in several Nigerian states has put food production at risk – meaning a hunger crisis is now looming in parts of Africa’s most populous nation.

The conflict, which adds to the decade-long insurgency by Islamist extremists who have killed tens of thousands in northeast Nigeria, has resulted in 3,641 deaths from 2016 to 2018, according to an Amnesty International report, the closest to an official tally on the casualties.

Ibrahim Mohammed, who farms yam, soybeans and guinea corn, is one of the farmers caught up in the conflict that’s plagued Benue state and parts of northern Nigeria.

He said he had to start from square one after his seedlings, land and home were burned to the ground in 2018.

Life has become a lot more difficult these days, he said, speaking from his farm in Agatu village, northcentral Nigeria, in early January.

As he moved to thresh another heap of rice harvested from the farm, his wife Hannah Mgbede asked to take a break from the back-breaking labour to breastfeed their 18-month-old baby and to have her first meal for the day.

Mohammed, 45, used to harvest as many as ten bags of rice a year from his farm. “This year I can’t even see up to three bags,” he said, adding that most of this year’s profit will go towards paying his labourers.

“Since the time Fulani herders came to attack our village, destroy our farmland and set our crops on fire, we haven’t had the money to farm in the same way as we used to,” Mohammed said ruefully.

It has been more than three years since the attack on Mohammed’s farm and family home, but he is still struggling.

This is common for many farmers, and the consequences, authorities fear, is dealing a heavy blow to Nigeria’s overall food production capacity.

Over 70% of Nigerians work in the agriculture sector, mainly at a subsistence level, the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports.

Benue is one of the states with the largest yields for crops such as rice, yam and soybean, according to government data, earning it the title of ‘food basket of the nation.’

But 1.5 million of the state’s more than 7 million population – who are predominantly farmers – have been internally displaced in the aftermath of the security crisis, according to Benue’s Gov. Samuel Ortom.

“More than 95% of these displaced people are farmers who contribute more than 70% of the total food production in the state,” Ortom said, admitting that everything shows “we are heading to a food crisis.”

Ortom added that if security is not restored to these farmers then it will be a big challenge to retain the ‘food basket’ title and continue feeding the population.

Despite its position as Africa’s largest crude oil producer, Nigeria is heavily dependent on agriculture, which contributed almost 30% of the nation’s gross domestic product in the third quarter of 2021, according to the country’s statistics agency.

However, the increasing conflict across northern Nigeria continues to limit the capacity of farmers like Mohammed.

More than 13 million people in the troubled northern region are now facing hunger, according to the World Food Program.

At the Benue camp for internally displaced persons in Guma, some 48 kilometers (30 miles) west of Makurdi, the state capital, many of the 3,000 occupants live from hand to mouth, often relying on support from non-governmental organizations and day jobs at farms.

Farmer Mtonga Iliamgee, 43, is one of them. It’s only in the afternoon that she can prepare the first and only meal of the day for her family of 10.

“There’s no food here, I have to work for other people as a labourer, for me and my children and my husband to eat,” she said. “We keep praying to get work tomorrow so we can get more money to eat.”

She said that after the herders destroyed their crops and property, the family came to the camp “with nothing.”

Government officials insist they are working to make farmlands safe enough for people to return and work the land.

They’re also trying to encourage nomadic herders to take up ranching so they are less at odds with farmers.

Seeds and fertilizers have also been supplied to farmers to enhance food production, cushion the effect of the pandemic and encourage more young people to go into agriculture.

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