A book compiled by the cabinet asserted that Egypt’s foreign trade achieved major accomplishments due to strong sustainable partnership with different economic groupings around the world.

In light of the big support of the political leadership to boost foreign trade sector, the book titled “Vision and accomplishment.. Egypt is moving ahead” said Egypt and 43 African countries inked an agreement to launch a free trade zone in Africa.

Egypt has also finalized endorsement procedures of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

Egypt has worked on activating free trade agreement with the MERCOSUR member states, the book added.

Within the framework of increasing exports and achieving unprecedented leap in the export rates of all sectors, Egypt allocated a major budget to support exports, the book added.

Export contracts worth 2.6 billion dollars were inked as well as holding 609 international tenders to boost foreign trade, the book said.

Some 9.8-billion-dollar investment opportunities in different fields were provided, it said.

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