There is currently a gas shortage in Dakar. It took me 2 hours to finally reach the station. Patience for all was rewarded with a full tank. According to the newspapers all should be back to normal by the end of the week.

The automobile industry is a flourishing market in Senegal. The growth is particularly steep thanks to imported cars coming from Canada and the United States.

In many car fleets across Dakar a majority of vehicles originate from two North American countries: Canada and the United States.

The Senegalese customs estimate that 248, 308 cars were imported from Canada and the US between 2018 and 2020. And if the essentially used-vehicules are popular in Senegal, it is not merely because of their affordable cost.

Appealing prices

According toTsada Sall a garage owner, the trend can also be explained by an easy access to spare parts: “At the moment, for many car manufacturers like Ford or Chevrolet, spare parts are available. Therefore, people can easily buy these types of cars.”

Between 2018 and 2020 in Senegal, the imports of cars from Canada and the United States amounted to more than 161,455,000,000 CFA Franc.

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