As of December 24, 2021, confirmed cases of Covid-19 from 55 African counTries reached  9,361,672 while over  193,645,429 vaccinations have been administered across the continent.

Reported deaths in Africa reached  226,728 and  8,439,199 people have recovered. South Africa has the most reported cases  3,374,262 and  90,662 people died. Other most-affected countries are Morocco (  954,199 ), Tunisia (  722,123 ), Ethiopia ( 386,164 ), Libya  (  384,005 ) Egypt (  378,843 ) and Kenya (  274,645 ).

The numbers are compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (world map) using statistics from the World Health Organization and other international institutions as well as national and regional public health departments.

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