Felbridge, a prominent South African cultivator and provider of cannabis and hemp starting materials, is thrilled to report that the first commercial shipment of dried cannabis flower from South Africa to Switzerland has been successfully exported.

It was delivered from the Cape Town International Airport, establishing Felbridge as one of the world’s major producers for the worldwide market and bridging the gap between African production and European demand.

The shipment is the first under a multi-year arrangement. Similarly-sized loads are likely to be exported following the company’s production plan in the following months and years.

Cannabis Cargo Shipped To Macedonia

The shipment follows Felbridge’s announcement that it had recently transported its first cargo of in-vitro cannabis tissue culture to a licensed producer in Macedonia’s North Macedonian province.

Chief Executive Officer of Felbridge Leslie Zetler says sending the first commercial shipment of medicinal cannabis from South Africa to Europe represents “our most significant milestone to date.” That is considered a significant accomplishment for Felbridge company and the South African cannabis and hemp industries.

The first exported medical cannabis confirms the company’s belief that their genetics, which are developed using artificial intelligence breeding technologies, will continue to be in high demand in the European market in the future.

Zetler felt that their group had taken a significant first step toward responding to President Ramaphosa’s appeal for local industry growth in line with global trends, which he made in his 2020 State of the Nation speech.

With Felbridge’s acquisition of its cultivation license in 2020, the firm establishes a distribution route for its dried flower and starter material products and positions itself to aid other licensed cultivators who employ its genetics to gain access to global markets.

Smaller producers may have difficulty navigating the highly regulated global cannabis industry. Felbridge is bridging this gap by supplying licensed farmers with genetically-superior cannabis and hemp genetics in desired forms like seeds, rooted clones, or in-vitro tissue. This is done to ensure that client quality and regulatory standards are met.

As a result of their existing genetics’ unique and predictable properties, Leslie Zetler added that they able to “maximize production potential, while minimizing risk.” In light of this export, Zetler stated that they are confident that the regulatory framework, market, and logistics have all demonstrated their ability to perform as expected.

Felbridge Will Use Offtake Opportunities

The group will be approaching other licensed producers with offtake opportunities, leveraging Felbridge genetics in the not-too-distant future. “Our special focus [is] emerging farmers with the requisite skills,” Zetler explained. He added that the licensing and infrastructure would be included to cultivate high-quality medical cannabis flowers for export for their existing customers.

Offtake agreements not only allow licensees “to [improve] their business plans [but also] allow the industry to expand and flourish,” Zetler continued. As a result, there is potential for South Africa to become a key producer for the worldwide market and a source of significant export earnings for the country.

Felbridge has established meaningful working partnerships with worldwide corporations and local organizations that will serve as a solid foundation for future growth. Furthermore, it is the authorized distributor for Puregene in the African market. It distributes its genetics through seed, rooted cuttings, and tissue culture.

It has also inked an arrangement with Perfect Plants, a significant biotechnology business based in the Netherlands, to expand its starter material supply by exploiting Perfect Plants’ enormous genetic library and delivering Perfect Plants seed to farmers in the region.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, Felbridge wants to be a full member of the South African National Seed Organization (SANSOR), after the organization’s whole operation, to produce cannabis and hemp seed production.

The company’s objective is to become the preeminent planter in South Africa, offering high-quality medical cannabis and hemp products and starting materials to the international market. It is undeniably on track to meet this target.

“Felbridge continues to execute on its strategy,” Zetler reported. They already completed exports of both dry flower and in-vitro tissue to Europe. Additionally, the company supplies seed, rooted clones, and tissue culture to licensed producers in the United States and Canada.

Felbridge’s order book is growing, which is a testament to the quality of service and products they provide. This will serve as a firm foundation for future success.

“Felbridge has proven to the market that we not only have offtake but that we have delivered upon it,” Zetler remarked. He also thanked Felbridge’s team of employees, “who have worked tirelessly” to ensure that their high-quality products are introduced to the market safely and responsibly while complying with all applicable regulatory requirements.

Original article: https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/544745971/south-africa-s-felbridge-completes-country-s-first-commercial-export-of-medical-cannabis-to-europe

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